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古琴仙子—Wu Na(巫娜)/ 中国

中国优秀的青年古琴演奏家。她9岁习古琴,1992年起获得国内多个民乐比赛的古琴类最高奖项。近几年,她活跃在跨界演出的舞台上,积极地与新音乐、爵士乐、摇滚乐及多种艺术活动进行合作,其中包括在2005年与音乐人窦唯合作“暮良文王”专辑并演出。2010年创办“古琴剧场”,与茶道、昆曲、书画等艺术形式合作演出。2009年,她获得“CCTV民族器乐电视大赛”古琴青年组金奖。从艺至今,与之合作的中外艺术家不胜枚举,包括:崔健、刘索拉、颜峻、美国先锋导演Larry Reed,法国戏剧导演Jean Christophe Blondel等等。

Wu Na is an excellent young Guqin player. She started playing at 9, and from 1992 she has been winning a great deal of Chinese traditional music competitions. She is now very much into cross-over performance, cooperating with artists of jazz, rock and other musical genres.  In 2010, she founded Guqin Theatre, incorporating Chinese tea culture, Kunqu Opera and ink painting into Guqin performance. During her career, she has cooperated with numerous artists from China and abroad, including rocker Cui Jian, composer Liu Suola, electronica artist Yan Jun, American avant-garde director Larry Reed and French theatre director Jean Christophe Blondel.
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